• Supporting Fishers Sustainability Efforts

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  • Mapping the Posidonia oceanica Seagrasses of Poros and Methana

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  • Argolicorama – 2023

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  • Supporting the Centre of Environmental Education and Sustainability of Nea Kios

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  • Posidonia Protection in the Argolic Gulf

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  • 3rd Summer University of Sustainable Greek School

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  • Pick the Alien

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  • Argolicorama 2022: An AEF-led Project

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  • Fishermens’ Tales: Oral Histories of the Argolic Gulf

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  • Reposidonia: Mapping Sea Grass Meadows

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  • Recycling fishing gear at the Argolic Gulf

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Our Partnerships

  1. We target and empower partners with capacity and willingness to engage in conservation, with a focus on local organisations and associations.

  2. We involve experts already active in the area while expecting them to educate, build capacity and inspire local conservation communities.

  3. We unify and network key players across and/or within the Argo-Saronic region while sharing experience, learning, best practices and knowledge.

  4. We collaborate with potential donors, including individuals, local businesses, fellow foundations and regional authorities.


  1. Fieldwork

    This includes research, monitoring activities, conservation services, rehabilitation, restoration, signage, etc.

  2. Community Engagement

    This includes education and training activities, capacity building, public events and exhibits organization, voluntary activities, etc.

  3. Campaigns

    This includes information and awareness-raising campaigns, policy and advocacy work, call to actions and activism activities, etc.

  4. Capacity Building

    This includes exchanging and replication of best practices, bridging people, businesses, NGOs and associations, study visits, dissemination activities, etc.

  5. Technical Support

    This includes the provision of appropriate equipment, study development, consultancy, etc.

Grant criteria Overview

  • WHO: Local non-profit organisations, associations, clubs or unions, social cooperative enterprises and/or other local bodies, including research centres, are strongly encouraged to apply for grants.

  • Non-local applicants already active in the area, or experts, may also be eligible for grants and strategic partnerships, if they prove that they can offer capacity building to the locals and/or tangible impact through their work on the ground.

  • All applicants must display strong and effective leadership and emphasise an integrated, bottom-up approach, consulting with, mobilising and involving local communities and demonstrating positive community impact.

  • WHAT: Applications for funding from the AEF should fit into one of the foundation’s key areas of interest and demonstrate clear, measurable environmental impact.

  • The proposed projects shall be clear and compelling, with the objective to create measurable and sustainable long-term results, build capacity and encourage participation with the local society.

  • Ideally, the proposed activities shall be sufficiently visible to leverage additional support from other funding sources.

  • WHERE: The AEF will support projects throughout the coastal regions of the Argo-Saronic, including on the islands of Spetses and Hydra. Projects with opportunities for replicability, to amplify their impact, will be prioritised.

When to apply

We accept grant applications on bi-annual basis. First round of applications is in January and second round of applications in September.


How to apply

All interested applicants can complete the application form below. In case of approval by AEF's Steering Committee, the grantee will sign a Grant Agreement with specific terms of the collaboration.