Supporting Fishers Sustainability Efforts

€10,000 awarded

Grantee/Local Partner: Community Trust Spetses (CTS)
Duration: May 2024
Grant: 10,000

Conservation of marine habitats and species is a priority for AEF, and we continue to collaborate with Spetses local actors in safeguarding these vital natural resources.  

In Spring 2024 we funded environmental awareness and educational activities as part of a broader project organised by the local NGO, Community Trust Spetses and carried out by the local fishers. While refraining from fishing during peak reproductive periods in April and May, the fishers conducted a series of coastal and terrestrial clean-ups, collecting up to 1,392 kg of marine litter and waste. AEF supported the Hellenic Centre of Marine Research to provide scientific guidance for the classification of waste into corresponding streams and the creation of a database for analysing consumer behaviours and the development of policy measures for the minimisation of marine pollution. Local volunteers assisted with waste-counting and classification throughout the project. 

Awareness-raising and environmental education form the cornerstone for addressing the human-induced marine waste challenge. Fishers, in collaboration with schoolteachers, carried out educational presentations to Primary and Secondary schools in Spetses , enlightening students about marine conservation and the fishing profession, its challenges, and sustainable practices. In addition, sustainable fish consumption within the local hospitality industry was further promoted through an informative session for restauranteurs held by the Mediterranean Association to Save the Sea Turtles (MEDASSET) and the support of the Spetses Trade Association and the Municipality of Spetses.   

Fostering partnerships among the scientific community, local stakeholders, educational institutions and citizens is crucial for driving innovative solutions, ensuring community engagement, and achieving long-term sustainability. Our support has led to increased fisher involvement in conservation activities, greater awareness among community members and students and active participation from businesses and local stakeholders.