Collection and Recycling of Used Fishing Gear in Spetses, Hydra, Koilada

€6,000 awarded

Grantee/Local Partner: Enaleia
Duration: June 2023 – June 2024
Grant: €6,000
Status: Completed

Preventing marine plastic pollution – focusing on the collection and sustainable disposal of end-of-life fishing gear- has successfully expanded to three key ports in our area. Continuing the collaboration initiated in 2022 with our NGO partner Enaleia under their Mediterranean Clean Up project, more than 7,800kg of used fishing gear and tools have been collected to date preventing their discharge into the sea, significantly reducing marine litter and the detrimental impact of the abandoned gear. Fishing gear, also referred to as ghost gear, not only litters the sea and destroys shorelines: but it causes the death of a significant number of animals such as dolphins, sharks, rays and sea birds every year. 

In synergy with the municipalities and local port authorities, collection points have been set up in Spetses, Hydra, and Koilada while fishing communities been empowered to become stewards of marine ecosystems, promoting sustainable fishing gear management practices. Training of local port coordinators enhanced the capacity for equipment collection, weighing, sorting, and storage. With dozens of fishermen actively participating in the joint conservation effort, a positive behavioural shift was achieved, leading to a viable solution to this crucial environmental threat.    

Through partnerships with international recycling and upcycling companies, Enaleia has enabled up to 70% of collected plastics to be reintroduced into the circular economy, supporting sustainable product development. This initiative fostered community engagement, collective action and local empowerment, while also building sustainable fishing practices and sustaining a healthy marine environment.