We are excited to announce that the AEF is now accepting applications for grants to support organizations and grassroots initiatives dedicated to making the Argosaronic more sustainable and inclusive, fostering positive change for its people and the environment!
Call for Applications
We are looking for partners involved in environmental and conservation initiatives that bring creative and impactful solutions. Whether you have a bold new idea, a project in progress, or are seeking continued funding, we are eager to hear about it!
We support projects under the following areas of interest:
- Marine Ecosystems
- Sustainable Resource Management
- Biodiversity Conservation
- Sustainable Tourism
We encourage innovative initiatives and replicable best practices that align with our mission and values. We invite and encourage projects of community involvement, capacity building and/or empowerment, education, alternative livelihood support, advocacy, institutional engagement, as well as creation or continued community-based initiatives.
In the current call for proposals, priority will be given to projects focused on the islands of Poros, Hydra, Spetses as well as along the Peloponnese coasts of the Argolic Gulf. Nevertheless, if you are interested in another area of the Argosaronic, send us a brief concept note to explore possibilities.
How to Apply
All applicants need to submit their grant applications online. Ensure you download the. Step-by-step Application Template and the Impact Measurement Framework to successfully fill in the application. Once you’re ready, complete and submit your proposal using the Online Application Form.
For small grants (<€5,000), please request to receive the specific submission form.
Please consult the Call for Proposals Guidance Document for comprehensive details on the funding criteria and application process.
Application Deadline: 18th November 2024, 12pm.
In case of further inquiries, you may contact us at
Join us in creating a meaningful impact for the Argosaronic environment!